Inventory Engine  v4.1
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MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement Class Reference

Public Member Functions

virtual void UnlockAchievement ()
 Unlocks the achievement, asks for a save of the current achievements, and triggers an MMAchievementUnlockedEvent for this achievement. More...
virtual void LockAchievement ()
 Locks the achievement. More...
virtual void AddProgress (int newProgress)
 Adds the specified value to the current progress. More...
virtual void SetProgress (int newProgress)
 Sets the progress to the value passed in parameter. More...
virtual MMAchievement Copy ()
 Copies this achievement (useful when loading from a scriptable object list) More...

Public Attributes

string AchievementID
 the unique identifier for this achievement More...
AchievementTypes AchievementType
 is this achievement progress based or More...
bool HiddenAchievement
 if this is true, the achievement won't be displayed in a list More...
bool UnlockedStatus
 if this is true, the achievement has been unlocked. Otherwise, it's still up for grabs More...
string Title
 the achievement's name/title More...
string Description
 the achievement's description More...
int Points
 the amount of points unlocking this achievement gets you More...
Sprite LockedImage
 the image to display while this achievement is locked More...
Sprite UnlockedImage
 the image to display when the achievement is unlocked More...
AudioClip UnlockedSound
 a sound to play when the achievement is unlocked More...
int ProgressTarget
 the amount of progress needed to unlock this achievement. More...
int ProgressCurrent
 the current amount of progress made on this achievement More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void EvaluateProgress ()
 Evaluates the current progress of the achievement, and unlocks it if needed. More...

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddProgress()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement.AddProgress ( int  newProgress)

Adds the specified value to the current progress.

newProgressNew progress.

◆ Copy()

virtual MMAchievement MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement.Copy ( )

Copies this achievement (useful when loading from a scriptable object list)

◆ EvaluateProgress()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement.EvaluateProgress ( )

Evaluates the current progress of the achievement, and unlocks it if needed.

◆ LockAchievement()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement.LockAchievement ( )

Locks the achievement.

◆ SetProgress()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement.SetProgress ( int  newProgress)

Sets the progress to the value passed in parameter.

newProgressNew progress.

◆ UnlockAchievement()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement.UnlockAchievement ( )

Unlocks the achievement, asks for a save of the current achievements, and triggers an MMAchievementUnlockedEvent for this achievement.

This will usually then be caught by the MMAchievementDisplay class.

Member Data Documentation

◆ AchievementID

string MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement.AchievementID

the unique identifier for this achievement

◆ AchievementType

AchievementTypes MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement.AchievementType

is this achievement progress based or

◆ Description

string MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement.Description

the achievement's description

◆ HiddenAchievement

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement.HiddenAchievement

if this is true, the achievement won't be displayed in a list

◆ LockedImage

Sprite MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement.LockedImage

the image to display while this achievement is locked

◆ Points

int MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement.Points

the amount of points unlocking this achievement gets you

◆ ProgressCurrent

int MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement.ProgressCurrent

the current amount of progress made on this achievement

◆ ProgressTarget

int MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement.ProgressTarget

the amount of progress needed to unlock this achievement.

◆ Title

string MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement.Title

the achievement's name/title

◆ UnlockedImage

Sprite MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement.UnlockedImage

the image to display when the achievement is unlocked

◆ UnlockedSound

AudioClip MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement.UnlockedSound

a sound to play when the achievement is unlocked

◆ UnlockedStatus

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievement.UnlockedStatus

if this is true, the achievement has been unlocked. Otherwise, it's still up for grabs

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: